The Marketplace is where schools can SEARCH, FIND and REVIEW companies who conduct business with Idaho charter schools.

Companies pay to join Marketplace and promote their products and services. They can also offer special deals for charter schools on our School Discounts page.

It is FREE for charter schools to use Marketplace. Schools can review companies they have done business with and look for products and services that their school needs. Choosing is easy as all companies are reviewed by fellow charter schools and reviews are monitored so you know they are authentic. If we notice a poor review for a company we’re happy to step in and try to remedy the situation – just another benefit of being part of the Network!


What does the TRUSTED PARTNER symbol mean? When you see this symbol you can rest assured that this company has been vetted by our staff. We go through an extensive vetting process to identify key partners that will offer great value to our schools. These trusted companies agree to provide you with incredible service, so if any issue arises with one of our trusted partners, give us a call and we’ll help make things right.


About Us

The Idaho Charter School Network is a non-profit membership and professional organization providing the best in comprehensive support and services to Idaho’s charter schools.

Idaho Charter School Network’s mission is to improve student achievement and expand choice among high quality public schools by advancing and supporting Idaho’s charter schools. We support efforts to improve the overall charter school movement both in Idaho and across the nation.

For general inquiries about Marketplace contact Suzanne at